Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Schedule through December '06

August—Weeknight outing to an indoor range, likely Maxon or Gun World.

September 23rd—Outing to Kishwaukee Archers in Sycamore. A fellow Plinker has generously agreed to let us use the facility and a couple of his bows to try out archery (or revisit it on a much more advanced level than in our youth). This is a bit of a drive, but I'd like this to be a family outing with a cookout and some good time of fellowship.

—To be announced...

November— Firearm instruction with professional (not me). I’m currently researching options and am looking for something reasonably-priced and geared toward the novice. I’d need to have a commitment in advance so we can reserve the instructor and space.

December—Indoor range outing, possibly holiday-themed (Grinch targets? Santa hats? Firearm-themed gift exchange?).

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